Coton de Thulea
가격문의(상세정보 참조)

Contact us anytime! If you send us a picture of puppy. we will let you know if it is available now and the price of the puppy

The cutest, cutest and most healthy puppies in Korea, create puppy families around the world! We are thoroughly taking care of not only appearance, but also health and care system. To adopt a puppy, first ask if it is possible. Please inquire about the price of puppies

-방문예약& 국내분양문의는 010-4144-4655
-WhatsApp +82 1041444655
-Please feel free to contact us anytime

TEL +82-10-8455-6133
Whatsapp +82 10-4144-4655

Maltese • Maltipoo • Poodle 
Coton de tulear • Mini bichon frise 

케이퍼피 프리미엄분양 청담점 ㅣ 38-28 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul KOREAㅣBiz License 860-04-03047ㅣANIMAL SALES BUSINESS NO. 3220000-045-2024-0003  ㅣSUIN Kim